MEDIA (Copy)
The “Black Tax” on Homeownership, NonProfit Quarterly
(Podcast) We’ve been here before, Pod Save the People
Latinos y afroamericanos pagan más impuestos de la propiedad, dice un estudio, Agencia EFE
New study finds systemic racism in property tax assessments, The Hill
Homeownership’s ‘black tax’, Washington Post
Black Homeowners Pay More Than ‘Fair Share’ in Property Taxes, Stateline
(Brief) Misvaluations in local property tax assessments cause the tax burden to fall more heavily on Black, Latinx homeowners, Washington Center for Equitable Growth
(Radio) Insult To Injury: Arizona Inmates Billed For Prison Health Care, KJZZ/NPR
(Op-Ed) Without access to credit, ex-cons may return to lives of crime, The Hill